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Hong-Yo Kang


Hong-Yo Kang

 Position: Professor

 Lab: Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

     Hormone and Reproductive Medicine Laboratory

 Education: Ph.D.

Graduated School: University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

 Ext.: 407-8898

 E-mail: hkang3@mail.cgu.edu.tw

 Personal Web Sitehttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hong-Yo_Kang

Lab member: post-doc fellow: 2

PhD student: 6

Research Assistant: 8

Research interests:

My research has focused on sex hormones and sex differences in health and diseases. The major research contribution is to elucidate the critical roles of male gonadal steroid hormones, especially the contribution of androgen receptor (AR) actions in androgens-mediated diseases by coordinating the multidisciplinary teams with several integrated program projects to decipher the roles of AR by using NGS, interactome and transcriptome. Results from my teams reveal that androgens/AR signaling is essential for organ development in the embryonic stage as well as the maintenance of normal function of adult cells in a sex-specific manner throughout individual life and have become important drug targets for many diseases.

Publications within 5 years